
Hungary is a landlocked country, situated in the Carpathian Basin. Its two longest rivers called Danube and Tisza divide Hungary into three parts: Transdanubia (to the west of the Danube), the plain between the Rivers Danube and Tisza, and the Trans-Tisza region (to the east of the Tisza). Hungary’s ‘mountains’ are actually hills, which seldom exceed an elevation of 1,000 metres. Two-thirds of Hungary’s geographic area is less than 200 metres above sea level.

Why study in Hungary?

Hungary Education System
You can study many top-quality Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees. Several universities from Hungary have been acknowledged for their good academics and they are always present in leading world university rankings. Universities in Hungary offer high quality education at affordable tuition fees. Hungary is a modern and safe country, but the cost of living are among the lowest in Europe. Hungary is a diverse, multicultural nation with lots of fun experiences for foreign students.
Employment opportunities
The employment opportunities in UK are very broad. The students can work 20hrs per week during the term and permitted to work full time off the term. After their courses are completed they become eligible to work in the country with big companies.As the UK education is accepted worldwide student can work in some other country as well. Recent change in rules has brought to attention that students will now get 2 years of post study work visa.
Cost of Study
The cost of living in Hungary depends on a lot of factors like location and lifestyle. However, for students on a budget, the average cost of living should be between 400 and 700 Euros monthly. That amount should cover the cost of rent, food, utilities, transportation, and other expenses. Below are the costs of specific of some items in Hungary (the local currency the forint is exchanged at 308.62 to a dollar). A meal in a modest restaurant – 300-500 forint , transport (monthly pass) – 1500-5000 forint, rent – 50000/month (outside city center for 1 bedroom apartment. The tuition fee in Hungary for international students varies according to the level, the University of choice and the field of study. These are subject to changes each year.